Semester at Sea

Fall 2023

Never a Dull Day

  • Plan It.

    You never want to build a plane while flying it. Like everything in life, a good plan will make or break certain things. Semester at Sea is one of the many things that require a plan. Follow this path to view all of my planning, including packing lists, stays and travel, and finance.

  • Document It.

    Every photo tells a tale of its own. What good are memories that are not captured? What good is a story untold? While ideas are temporary, photos are indefinite. Follow this path to view my daily blog filled with pictures, videos, and my thoughts.

  • Reflect On It.

    While one may eat food to survive, another eats to live. There is no point in eating unless you are living while you eat. Follow this path to view my afterthoughts and reflections of this journey.

Follow My Journey